Sunday, 10 March 2013

Islamic Way in Making Decission.

                                      بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

We are taught based on Quran and Sunnah to make a decision by conduct the consultation. 
Shura is mentioned three times in the Quran as a praiseworthy activity, and is a word often used in organizing the affairs of a masjid, and an Islamic organization, and in parliaments on democratic votes.
The first mention of the Shura in the Qur'an comes in the 2nd Surah of Qur'an Al-Baqarah in verse 233 in the matter of the collective family decision regarding weaning the child from mother's milk. This verse encourages that both parents decide by their mutual consultation about weaning their child.

Mothers may breast-feed their children for two whole years; [that is] for those who

wish to complete the suckling. The father of the child is responsible to provide in a fair

manner for their sustenance and clothing. No human being shall be burdened with
more than he is well able to bear. Neither shall a mother be allowed to cause her child
to suffer, nor shall a father cause suffering  to his child. The same shall apply to the
father’s heir. If, by mutual consent and after due consultation, the parents choose to
wean the child, they will incur no sin thereby. Nor shall it be any offence on your
part if you engage wet nurses for your children, provided that you hand over what you agreed to pay, in a fair manner. Fear God, and know that God sees all that you do”
The 42nd Surah of Qur'an is named as Asy-Syura. The 38th verse suggests that shura is praiseworthy life style of a successful believer. It also suggests that people whose matter is being decided be consulted.
In Chapter of Surah Al-Imran , in verse 159 orders Prophet(pbuh) to consult with believers. The verse makes a direct reference to those (Muslims) who disobeyed our beloved Prophet(pbuh), indicating that ordinary, fallible Muslims should be consulted:
“...consult with them in the conduct of public affairs. When you have resolved about the course action, put your trust in God. God lovers those who put their trust in Him”

Shura is a crucial part of the Islamic political system. It allows common people to participate in the decision-making process. It helps create a society that engages actively with leaders.
Consultation is important in building a solid relationship between the leader and the people ensuring that the leader does not go astray or regress into an authoritarian government. Allah s.w.t encouraged the Prophet (pbuh) to use shura, in chapter of Surah Asy-Syura in verse 38:
“Those who hearken to their Lord, and establish regular Prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual Consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on them for Sustenance”
 There are several examples of the Prophet (pbuh) taking counsel from his companions and following their opinions.
The Prophet (pbuh) held many councils of war before going into battle. At one point, he believed that they should fight only if the enemy entered Madinah. However, his companions opined that they should go out and meet the army. The Prophet accepted the latter opinion even though they lost. Despite this, Allah s.w.t revealed shortly afterwards a verse which stressed the importance of shura . In Chapter of Surah Al-Imran , in verse 159  :
“It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently with them. Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about thee: so pass over (Their faults), and ask for (Allah’s) forgiveness for them; and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when thou hast Taken a decision put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)”
In the next battle, the Muslims decided to stay put in Madinah. The Prophet (pbuh) again consulted his people regarding the best way to protect themselves against the enemy. Many suggestions came, including one which required the building of an extensive trench. The Prophet (pbuh) agreed to this option and actively participated in its construction. This time, they won.
The Quran and Sunnah combined represent a binding constitution for Muslims, much like the constitution of countries. Just as governments adhere to the constitution when passing new laws, the constitution being the superior document, a similar process is at work here. The basic tenets of this divine constitution cannot be violated by anyone, not even leaders or popular movements. This means that the powerful cannot manipulate the system to their own advantage. Certain rules and principles must be upheld and cannot be overruled, such as, basic human rights like equality. As we can see in previous history of Islam, shura  took big role in making decision. The concept of shura is quite similar to election that we apply nowadays, but it it more to sunnah of Prophet (pbuh) and the equality in making decision that involve all of us.

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